Join Monday’s (3/4) “Tenant Talk Live” on Bridging the Gap between Communities and Agencies

Join NLIHC’s next “Tenant Talk Live”, a meeting geared towards tenant and resident leaders, on Monday, March 4, at 6 pm ET. Housing justice advocates work diligently to achieve victories, but these efforts cannot be carried out solely by community members. Instead, advocates must collaborate with agencies to amplify their impact. Likewise, agencies should be aware of the needs of communities and involve individuals with lived experience of homelessness and housing instability in their activities. Collaboration between communities and agencies is crucial for the long-term sustainability of the housing justice movement. In the upcoming meeting, NLIHC staff will be joined by Ashia Wilson, manager of authentic engagement at the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH), to delve deeper into this topic.

Register for Monday’s Meeting

“Tenant Talk Live” meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 6 pm ET. If you are unable to attend Monday’s meeting, you can view upcoming or past Tenant Talk Live recordings on our working group webpage. To stay up to date on “Tenant Talk Live” events and connect with other attendees, join the Tenant Talk Facebook group.

Do you have ideas for future Tenant Talk Live meetings? Please submit your ideas through our semi-annual Tenant Talk Live Feedback survey by March 31. 

“Tenant Talk Live” would not be possible without tenants like you! We strive to connect and engage with residents and tenant leaders through our meetings. If you are a low-income tenant and have a topic you would like to propose for an upcoming “Tenant Talk Live,” or if you would like to participate as a speaker on an upcoming call or meeting, please email: [email protected]. Meetings like “Tenant Talk Live” depend on the support of our members. Become an NLIHC member here!