Working Groups/Calls
Visit our Working Groups/Calls page for more information.

Tenant Talk Live calls/webinars provide opportunities for residents to connect with NLIHC and one another, to share best practices, and to learn how to be more involved in influencing federal housing policies and to lead in their communities.  Normally held once a month, Tenant Talk Live is now being offered more frequently to inform and learn from resident and tenant leaders are organizing throughout the country.

Stay tuned for the next session and registration is open.

2024 TENANT TALK LIVE (January - June)

This schedule is subject to change.

    Memo to Members and Partners Articles

    15-1 In the Wake of Disaster

    A Tenant Organizer Shares Her Advocacy Story By Sid Betancourt, NLIHC This article was adapted from an interview conducted with Stephanie Winn, a tenant leader in Houston, Texas. It was disaster – not one but two catastrophic storms – that brought tenant leader Stephanie Winn to the world of…

    15-1 Building Power through Resident Organizing Networks

    By Lindsay Duvall, NLIHC When they see the blue shirts walking into the Capitol, they know we’re there for business,” reflects Maria Hernandez, a Residents United Network (RUN) steering committee member representing San Diego. “Ten years ago, there were just a few of us. Now, there’s a lot more of…

    15-1 The National Alliance of HUD Tenants

    By Geraldine Collins As NLIHC celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024, the National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT) is celebrating the close partnership it has had with NLIHC since its inception. It has been 33 years since NAHT was created. It is the only tenant-led national organization focused…