Page 6 - NLIHC 2017 Annual Report
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Dear NLIHC Members, Donors, and Friends
NLIHC’s work was never more important than in 2017, a year of movement-building and
responding to disasters and threats, both natural and political 
NLIHC spearheaded the  rst-ever Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action the week of July 22-29, 2017, featuring more than 60 events and activities in 25 states (rallies, marches, press events, meetings with elected of cials, and much more) calling for increased investments in affordable homes and strong communities  At the end of July, we launched a new “Our Homes, Our Votes” nonpartisan voter registration and mobilization project to engage more low income renters and affordable housing advocates in the electoral process 
NLIHC promptly responded to the devastating 2017 hurricanes and wild res by establishing a Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC)
of more than 700 national and local organizations — sharing key information, resources and advocacy strategies and communicating important disaster recovery recommendations to policy makers  NLIHC connected local and state advocates with decision makers
in the administration and Congress through brie ngs and meetings, and the DHRC advocated strongly for a fair
and equitable housing recovery focusing on the needs of low income residents 
Hundreds of
from around
the country
participated in the 2017 NLIHC Housing Policy Forum on advancing solutions
in the changing political landscape and engaged with keynote speakers HUD Secretary Ben Carson and U S  Representative Maxine Waters  We were pleased to honor East Bay Housing Organizations and the Non- Pro t Housing Association of Northern California with the 2017 Housing Organizer Awards and J  Ronald Terwilliger and Amy Anthony with NLIHC’s Housing Leadership Awards 
NLIHC received extensive media coverage of our research publications Out of Reach and The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes, and our expertise was cited in over 3,500 times in media stories reaching tens of millions of individuals during the year  We also achieved nearly 42,000 Twitter followers and 5,700,000 Twitter impressions in 2017 
NLIHC continued to convene and lead
Diane Yentel, NLIHC President and CEO
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